5 Quotes & Sayings By Bradley Chicho

Bradley Chicho is an award-winning entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in the corporate world. He has founded and built several successful businesses, including one that was acquired by Microsoft. Bradley is the author of the upcoming book "The Monetization Formula".

The joys of friendship inert the heart and fizzy home bouncing jubilantly with laughter-buttered love. Bradley Chicho
The friendship we share grows amidst the craggy rock pond reeds of water spray fireflies scented with bonfires. Bradley Chicho
Plunderous is the palate I gift to you, openly I hug the universe of our friendship expanding its outer limit. Bradley Chicho
Blunders, no, only friendship binds us to honesty - attracting crypts of mushrooms in the wake of our snowboards. Bradley Chicho